Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Countdown

We're departing in three weeks. We've done so much, but there's still so much to do. Bah.

One of the most important things was to throw a party. For one thing, we had a TON of alcohol that needed to be consumed. Also, we wanted to see lots of friends that we wouldn't get to see before we go, and this was a fun (and efficient!) way to do it.

True to form, I made too much food. I think everyone had a good time... I know that we did. Still, the evening was somewhat bittersweet for us, because as much as we enjoyed seeing our friends and loved ones, the idea that we won't see most of these people for the next year and a bit... well, it sucks.

We have some great friends. My cousin and his wife graciously allowed us the use of their condo party room and helped tremendously in the set-up and take-down. My sister showed up early and helped with food prep. My sister-in-law also helped with set up (and both lovely ladies stayed the next day to help us pack.) The other friends that honoured us by showing up on Saturday have been there with us through all stages of schooling, our wedding, through long weekends, through camping trips, at work, through deaths and relationship troubles and in-law dramas and family sagas... we've gone dancing and drinking, to movies, to dinner, to shows... we've discussed all manners of intimate details of life, have shared our thoughts and feelings, have fought and made up, have laughed and cried and talked, and talked, and talked.

I see now that friends are more than random atoms that you occasionally meet up with in the universe. We rely on their presence more than I ever knew. My friends and family are the web that holds my life in the happy place it is right now. They're the firefighters that save us from sheer disaster when we fall or jump, and they're the ones who love us for who we are, regardless of snide bitchy comments that one might direct at them on occasion. It took me a long time to realize that I didn't have to feel obligated to repay kind gestures with material rewards, because they're not expected. Friendship isn't about that.

To my friends and family and everyone that I love: Know that I leave you reluctantly. Giving up my job, my house, and packing up all of my material possessions (even the boots) were the easy parts. Saying goodbye to all of you is going to be the hardest thing I will ever do. I will miss you like crazy and will think of you all the time; I love you all and wish only the best for you. I acknowledge and appreciate all of the support you've ever given me and I want you to know that it is here for you in me as well if you ever need it -- all you need to do is ask.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You're the best sister anyone could ever have! I am excited for you and for the new adventure you are about to embark upon. I will be thinking about you while you are on your world trek. You are going to have so many "life experiences" which will continue to shape you into the wonderful person that you are. Please be safe, and above all, enjoy yourselves. The best person to share an experience like this is with the one you love, and I am so happy you two are doing this together. I love you both with all my heart and wish you the best of luck. I look foward to your safe return when we can sit down together in your new home, enjoy some sushi, and listen to the stories from your adventures. Love you guys!